Friday, 15 March 2013

Today I got an allotment!

Two years ago I felt that my small veg patch wasn't nearly enough to grow any amount of actual food for the table. Bar French beans, tomatoes and herbs there really isn't room for anything else. I thought I would ring up the council and take on an allotment. I was told that there was a minimum of 10 yrs wait!!! Well thankfully many of the people on the list have dropped out and I was offered an allotment last week.

Today, I went to choose which site I would like. One was in quite a lot of shade and the other was in full sun and relatively near the entrance. They are, to a person who has 4, 4'x8' beds absolutely huge! I was offered to have half a plot to start with which I agreed would be an excellent idea. The person who had it before had put in lots of rhubarb so it looks like we will be having loads of rhubarb this year!! On the other side is a very delapadated compost heap that apparently also has rats in it. I shall be removing this and spreading over the site and starting again. The whole site is covered with grass and nettles, at least showing it is fertile soil but will need digging over and weeding before I can even start to grow anything.

I may take my spade and make a start tomorrow if it stops raining. I will also take my camera and tape measure so I can do some planning. I'd also better start organising sowing some seeds soon else I will have nothing to plant when the weather warms up.

All this new space will leave my garden free to grow salad crops and herbs that I need instantly rather than trying to grow a tiny bit of everything in such a small space.

Come on sunshine, I need you so I can get out and make the most of my new plot.

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