Tuesday, 18 June 2013

My allotment progress 17 June 2013

I managed to dig up another patch of weeds left over from the previous holder and have got my courgette plants in.  After I dug out the weeds I dug a large hole for each and filled them with nettle tops. I have plenty of those growing round the old compost heap!  I then topped them up with compost and planted a plant in each hole.  I have also made a wall around each to stop the water running away when I water them as they like plenty of food and tons of water.  The dull humid air today should be just right to get them started.

The iceburg lettuces were all growing in clumps so after weeding I carefully dug some up and transplanted some.  I hope they continue to grow.

The beetroot is doing well and the radishes have gone mad!

I have got loads to take home.  Radish is one of my favourite veg but I have never been successful growing it in my garden.  It's supposed to be easy to grow too!

This one is the daddy of all radish!  It had gone woody unfortunately but it is still the biggest radish I have ever seen.

The onion sets are really liking the open ground of the allotment and are growing nicely.  Next week, when the days start to shorten is when the bulbs start to form.  Hopefully I will get more than the pickled onion sized onions I get from growing them in my garden.

The broccoli is growing well too.  It is protected from the pesky pigeons that hover around the allotment sight in the evening waiting for everyone to go home so they can munch on the cabbages and broccoli. 

 Growing out the side of the old compost heap is a comfrey plant.  As you can see the bees are loving it.  Even when I brushed into it they refused to move!

Late spring garden 8 June 2013

Well this is my garden in the first week of June .  My wonderful Clematis called Diamontina is out in all its splender.  The flowers are MASSIVE and are so beautiful.  It's just a pity it's not bee friendly being a double.

My alliums are out now and as you can see the bees love these!

Not a very good photo but tjis is the best my Vibernum Snowball has ever been so I thought I would add it anyway.

I now have 21 tomato plants in my green house.  Just as well i love tomatoes.

Now the weather is warmer I have planted out my runner beans.  They were dying to be released from their pots.  I decided to leave the lettuce in as it had struggled through from last years sowing!  The chinese leaves, in the foreground, which I planted a couple of weeks ago are doing well too.

31 May 2013

Sorry. This blog is a little late being published but I have been busy on other things. 

I have at last got the Broccoli in  and covered one half with the mesh that I bought.  I just hope the rest survives until I get some more!

 The radishes are looking good and are nearly ready to pick but there is no sign of my spring onions.  The lettuce and  beetroot are coming along and the onion sets are making a good headway.

The rhubarb has exploded and is huge!  This lot is going to make Rhubarb and ginger jam.

I have now added some watercress to the pond.