Saturday, 21 May 2011

First tomato flower and much planting

My tomato plants have their first flowers - I LOVE tomatoes thats why I have a double row in the green house and loads more to plant out side.  I have spent the afternoon potting the tomatoes into their final pots.  I also sowed some Turks head squash, courgettes and more french beans

The first tomato flower

Some of my tomato plants

Friday, 20 May 2011

Way back on 12 May

When I took these photos there was a problem getting on blogger so here they are now.

My garden had gone past the spring flowers of daffodils and forget me nots and the more magestic flowers have opened. 

My Clematis - wonderful flowers

A beautifully coloured poppy  - I may have to paint this one!

An Iris.  I had left this plant in a pot for far too long.  When I eventually planted it out in the garden this is the beautiful flower I received.
 Further down the garden in the veg patch I managed to plant out my cucumber plants.  This year I'm only growing 2 as last year I grew 4 and took a whole carrier bag of cucumbers to the Off Grid Festival with me!  The cafe was very pleased with the donation but I think 2 plants will suffice!  I have filled the bag with compost from the compost heap and a well of bought compost around each plant.  It wont be long before they are off!!

Cucumber plants revving up to produce loads of baby cucumbers

 Here are my tomatoes awaiting planting out into their final places.  I must find time to do that very soon.

My first early potatoes are really enjoying the sunny weather.  I shall top up the soil in the pots soon so I will have more lovely potatoes.

These are the main crop potatoes and salad blue potatoes I planted in my flower bed where I had loads of ground elder.  I thought I may as well grow a crop as I will only have to re dig it in the autumn to get rid of more ground elder!

My garden has lots of organic matter in it so it is coping quite well with the lack of rain but everything could still really do with a good soaking.