Monday, 14 February 2011

14 Feb fattening moon Flower time

I have managed to get out into the garden again today, quick before it rains again  and the frost comes back!
My Radish that I planted 10 days ago
 is coming up fast! I've never had any
success with this supposedly easy veg
so here's hoping!

Love in the mist and Calendula sowed today
I hope some of the love in the mist can be used at my daughters wedding as she just loves them

My Daphne is in full bloom in the courtyard.
It smalls WONDERFUL!

Last years  bulbs are about to bloom again 

My Christmas Roses are out in flower too.

including the black ones

I also managed to make a start finding the strawberry plants under all the dead leaves and weeds.  Looking forward to yummy June!

Thursday, 10 February 2011

Thursday 3 Feb 2011 Root time

Well here it is the start of my veg gardening for 2011.  

This is my Water cress which I have rescued from the staging matting and potted up in its rightful pot!  It grew like mad last year - lets hope it does the same again.

My Garlic are in.  I have covered them with some very old row covers i was given by an old lady I gardened for years ago.  They are wonderful at keeping the birds off the bulbs and stopping the cats digging.

 These are my leeks and welsh onions and onions. I hope I have sown them early enough.  I know some people who sow them on Boxing day!

 Here are my very first carrots of the year in a very tall pot.  Oooo I can taste them now!
This is my first Plum tree.  It is Opal variety on a small rootstock.  I will have to move some plants out of my garden to find room for it!

Lastly is my new cherry tree.  Again a first for me.  It is Sweetheart variety eating cherry.